The Next Big Thing~
Hello everyone, and thanks for stopping by! I was tagged by talented editor, writer, and blogger: Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz
Though the bloggers on this hop are thinning exponentially:) I thought I would take the opportunity to talk about my novel being released in December of this year, The Jaguar Sun, and perhaps offer a short excerpt~
So here goes, these are my ten questions:
1: What is the working title of your book?
The Jaguar Sun
2. Where did the idea come from for the book?
The Jaguar Sun is a spin-off from my first book in the series, The Lycan Moon (about a cursed werewolf, and the witch who wants to help him.)
3. What genre does your book fall under?
Paranormal Romance, with strong suspense elements.
4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Ahh I have never been able to put an actor’s face to one of my character’s. I like to leave it up to the reader’s imagination to create their own personal image. I guess I’ll just have to leave it up to the casting professionals if the book ever gets that far-LOL
5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
When his mentor is murdered, and a desirable suspect drives his latent magick toward flashpoint, Aiden Pierce is forced to confront his mysterious past.
6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
The Jaguar Sun is being published by Muse It Up Publishing, Currently I do not have an agent.
7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
The first draft of The Jaguar Sun, took me almost a year to complete, due to work and family life, and the time it took to do edits for one of my other novels, The Powers.
8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
That is a good question. I think my books are a little different in that, though many of my characters have supernatural abilities, they still live within the natural world and have to adapt accordingly. For instance my main character, Aiden Pierce is a senior assistant prosecuting attorney for King County in Seattle, Washington. He at first tries to shun and ignore his burgeoning abilities, but eventually he realizes he has no other choice but to discover more about his past and his powers.
Now his love interest, has not a whit of supernatural power, which makes for a very interesting relationship. Unlike some paranormal romances, where the author creates the fictional world or city in which his or her characters operate in, I like the idea of using real locations and settings.
9. Who or What inspired you to write this book?
Well as I drew near the completion of The Lycan Moon, I found myself very interested in Aiden as a character, and I wanted to know more about where he came from, what magick he really possesses, and what his challenges would be, so it was only a natural progression to start his story after The Lycan Moon was finished.
10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
Oh my goodness, there is murder, magick, a really nasty villain you are going to love to hate, (and want to see him very dead), political corruption, and a torrid love story so hot it’s going to burn through you long after it’s over~how’s that for an answer?
Excerpt: The Jaguar Sun (Book 2 in the Wild Magick Series)
Now that Tom had gotten the little matter of his lack of alibi out of the way, Aiden rallied his thoughts. “Listen Reid, I probably don’t need to tell you to check every recent parole of any perp John put away. Also all emails, phone records, including cell phones, mail, all deliveries made to his office, his home. Need to know his dry cleaning place, his favorite take out, his...” Aiden paused when Gary Baldwin walked into the foyer.
Gary approached them and sighed heavily. “Jesus, Aiden, this is a mess. There must be at least fifty reporters clamoring at the gates.” He shook his head again. “I got hold of the attorney general, and he’s authorized anything we need to get this closed quickly.”
He nodded to Reid. “Our office is compiling a list of every case John was personally involved in.” He looked over toward the office and blew out a breath. “How the hell could this happen?”
Tom Reid and Aiden nodded in agreement. It was unspoken. They needed to find who murdered Fogel and quickly.
Gary wandered away toward the scene of death, no doubt to in some way say his last goodbye to the man who’d mentored so many in his career.
Reid spoke up. “Aiden, you should know, I only asked the question of your whereabouts because it’s procedure.”
Aiden nodded absently and dragged a hand through his hair.
The detective continued in a hushed tone. “The fact is, we know from Mrs. Jeffries over there, who the last person with John Fogel was last evening.”
Aiden looked up at the detective and raised his eyebrows in question.
“A woman, the housekeeper said, John met with some regularity when Patricia was out of town. A Ms. Sonja Walker of Trimeca Place, in Queen Ann.”
Aiden didn’t flinch, wince, or twitch. With amazing calm, he merely looked at Reid and nodded.
~Hope this little teaser has you coming out in December for more.
Now here’s the list of my tagged blog hop authors for next week. (I know there is only one, remember I said the list of bloggers was wearing thin:) Check out her blog next Wednesday, October 31st to read about her WIPs and New Releases:
(note I also linked back to Penny’s blog as well because she always has such interesting posts!)
Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz