Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Blueberries of Summer

It's nearing the end of August and the last of the blueberry pickings are upon us. We had 36 bushes this year and picked, so far, approx 75 pounds of the little gems.

Here is a little trivia about this amazing fruit...

~Botanists say the blueberry has been around for at least 13,000 years!

~The Blueberry is indigenous to North America.

~The Blueberry and it’s European cousin, the Bilberry, both were used not only for nutrition but for medicinal purposes as well.

~The Native American Elders legend goes like this: The Great Spirit sent ‘star berries’ (the calyx of the blueberry reveals a perfect star) for the children, to tide them over during times of famine.

~Blueberries are natural antioxidants, which neutralize unstable free radicals, precursors to several well known diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s. 

~Blueberries are rich in Vitamin C, Manganese, and dietary fiber.

~Blueberries are low in fat, only 80 calories per cup and they are good just as a lone snack or added to salads, yogurt, cottage cheese, cereal and the list goes on!

For more information on the awesome blueberry...



Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Winners of The Lupatia Blog

Here are the winners of The Lupatia Blog~contest:

$20.00 Muse It Up Bookstore Gift certificate ~ Jacki C.  
An e-copy of The Lycan Moon ~ J.Q. Rose
Another e-copy of The Lycan Moon ~ Conda Douglas 

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my debut post of Rockin' The Fodder!

Happy reading!

Cheers, Sara